Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 24, 2010

Dear Journal,

Seriously this kidnapping thing is getting on my nerves! Dejia, my twin sister, is forcing me to write a diary. Ahem, a journal.
Do I want to do this? No, no I do not. But it was either this or be tied to a chair and put in the emo corner. And trust me, the emo corner sounds dark and scary, right? Well it’s scary alright. It’s pink.
What I don’t get is why I’m the only one that has to do this. Also aren’t these things supposed to be private? If so then why is she making me put it on the internet? Why does she believe she’ll be the ruler of the world in 2012 and that’s why everyone thinks the worlds gonna end? Oh yes because a 17 year-old is gonna take over the world… RIIIIIIIIIGHT.
I’m not even sure how long these things have to be. Hmmm. Dejia said that this only counts for 20 words out of my daily 200 word minimum.
Oh yeah, she gave me a freaking minimum of words I have to say everyday. So you must be really confused as to why I talk about my twin like she’s the spawn of Satan (she probably is. I wouldn’t put it past her).


“Hey fang I’m gonna take the kids to the park, wanna come?” max opened the door to the room I shared with Iggy and Gazzy at Dr. M‘s house. I quickly hid the photograph I was holding under my pillow and shook my head no. “you sure?” I nodded. “okay but Iggy’s staying too”
“alright” she waved,  I didn’t look under my pillow until I heard the door click and max’s soft steps walking from the house.
The photo was old, and torn from being handled so much over the past 10 years. It was a photo of max and I. sure we had still been inside The School, but in the picture we held hands through the bars. You could see Iggy’s head off to the side.
The door opened, I hid the photo thinking Max had come back. Surely I would have heard her steps, but I didn’t hear anything. Anyone who was here walked just as quietly as me. I jumped from my bed and landed in a fighting stance just as the door opened wider, revealing an average height-ed girl, who didn’t look like she could even throw a punch. Despite her black clothes, and piercings.
“Hello Fang, pleased to meet you.” she didn’t hold out her hand to shake mine. “now you can come with me easily and have no harm done to you, or we can do this the way Iggy chose. Unfortunately it might take a bit longer than normal for his nose to heal.” I remember thinking ‘She can’t be serious… can she? And why does she talk all high class, perfect grammar and crap?’
“option 3”
“Oh! So you want me to use force? Fine by me!” and that’s the last thing I remember before being knocked out by the girl.


So yeah, that’s basically it. Anyways it’s about 1AM now and Dejia, Iggy, and I have to wake up early to enroll at school tomorrow.
Oh, before I forget. I have to mention the book of the week, and song of the week(with you tube link), and band of the week.

Book: Mocking Jay by Suzann Collins
Band: Hinder
Song: Get Stoned by Hinder
