Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dear Journal (i really have to stop doing that...), 
okay i know i updated this thing yesterday but seriously school is wack.
there's this girl in my World Studies class. she like's to say 'Legit', she's Jewish, and her name is Mary Magdalen. you know her right? not the girl in my class i'm talking about the bible lady. you know Jesus's ho? yeah. dejia heard the name and was just giggling up a storm.
let me re-say this.
the girl is Jewish.
she's named after a biblical whore.
she was dressed like a whore.

Oh yeah don't you just love Mondays?

also i usually go through and correct mistakes but i've been doing homework for 5 hours so NO.


1 comment:

  1. Mary Magdelene was not a prostitute. She was a Temple High Priestess for a school of the Goddess that educated young girls. When the Christians over threw the temple they tossed her out and told horrid things about her to leave her with no name whatsoever, then, of course, wrote it into the bible, which actually HAD a Goddess (God the Mother, the female half of their diety God)up until this reformed version.
    Interesting, no?
