Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28, 2010

Soooooo yeah, i'm updating. while waiting for Dylan to get here (not that Dylan, though they do look remarkably alike.... except this Dylan is shorter, younger, has freckles, and has a reddish tint in his hair in the light... yes i did just describe my little brother. i can describe my littler twin sister if you'd like...)
yeah, anyways i'm doing this while waiting for Dylan, and also waiting for Dejia to gather all of her notes to put on another blog, for people struggling in science... or to be more specific Pre-AP Chemistry. yeah, i'm related to a science geek.
i'm also getting Dejia to do my Lab write up, actually for anything science related she gives me the answers to, unless it's a Lab, because everybody has their own set of data.... and she's not my lab partner. instead i got this chick who thinks it's fun to wear low cut shirts everyday, even on lab days. it really fails because the top of the lab apron doesn't even come up any higher than half an inch below your armpits. i swear one day shes gonna spill acid down her shirt and i'm gonna laugh.

anyways i'm really bored, you have no idea. today is feeding day for Sebastian(pet snake), i'm skipping school tomorrow, this other fang on facebook keeps attacking ella, iggy, twin, and i with group hugs. twin and i of course always try to get away. she's just not lucky enough, so i laugh.
alrighty, i need to get going, gotta take movies back to the dvd place... *sigh* oh and also someone asked a question (i deleted it) for dejia about her book of shadows that i posted on a different blog (i deleted the blog before dejia killed me) we aren't ever posting it again because of something along the lines of "Fang, I SWEAR TO WHOEVER-THE-HELL-IS-OUT-THERE THAT NEXT TIME YOU POST MY BOOK OF SHADOWS I WILL SLOWLY CASTRATE YOU THEN DISCOMBOBULATE YOU AND THROW THE REMAINS IN THE COLOMBIA RIVER!!!" yeah... then she went into a rant about how not all of the things in the book were "light" magik and how in the wrong hands could possibly kill someone.... yeah.... i've learnt my lesson.

book: Worth More Dead Crimes by Ann Rule(if the torture dejia mentioned above really happens i told dejia to tell the cops to pass the file over to Ann Rule so she can write a book on it, it'd be amazing)
band: Everclear
song: Stacy's Mom (because dejia can play it on the trombone) by Fountains Of Wayne

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